Efficacy of Structured Educational Intervention on Understanding Nomophobia and its Prevention among Nursing Students

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Neurological Nursing
Received Date: 02/07/2024
Acceptance Date: 03/26/2024
Published On: 2024-03-30
First Page: 26
Last Page: 30

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By: Shipra Sachan, krishnakant pal, Sneha Sachan, Krati, Kshama devi, and Ranjana Kushwaha


Background: Mobile phones offer convenience and comfort to individuals, yet they also pose a risk in terms of psychological dependence. The term “nomophobia” is a blend of “no mobile phone” and refers to addiction to mobile phones. Objectives: (1). To evaluate the initial understanding of nomophobia and its preventive measures among nursing students through pre-test assessment. (2). To determine the impact of a structured educational intervention on enhancing nursing students’ knowledge regarding nomophobia and its prevention. (3). To investigate the frequency of nomophobia among nursing students (4). To examine the correlation between nursing students’ pre-test knowledge scores and their demographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: The study employed a quantitative single-group pre-test and post-test experimental research design. A total of 98 nursing students were chosen through a convenient sampling method. Data collection was conducted utilizing a structured questionnaire to assess knowledge. Result: The result showed that majority of the nursing students (83.67%) had poor knowledge, 16.33% had average knowledge, and no one had good knowledge in pre-test. The post knowledge score shows 87.76% had good knowledge and 12.24% had average knowledge.

Keywords: Effectiveness, nomophobia, nursing students, PTP, prevalence



How to cite this article: Shipra Sachan, krishnakant pal, Sneha Sachan, Krati, Kshama devi, and Ranjana Kushwaha, Efficacy of Structured Educational Intervention on Understanding Nomophobia and its Prevention among Nursing Students. International Journal of Neurological Nursing. 2024; 10(01): 26-30p.

How to cite this URL: Shipra Sachan, krishnakant pal, Sneha Sachan, Krati, Kshama devi, and Ranjana Kushwaha, Efficacy of Structured Educational Intervention on Understanding Nomophobia and its Prevention among Nursing Students. International Journal of Neurological Nursing. 2024; 10(01): 26-30p. Available from:https://journalspub.com/publication/ijnen/article=5620


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