By: Raju Byati
Background of the Study: Adolescence represents a crucial and dynamic stage in the human life cycle. Roughly 18–20% of the Indian population falls within the age range of 10–20 years. This demographic, comprising future citizens, faces a significant vulnerability to early initiation into drugs and other psychoactive substances. Nurses have an important role in assessing their knowledge regarding drug abuse in schools, and also in community area regarding drug abuse. Objectives of the Study: (1) Evaluate the understanding of drug abuse and its health impact among adolescents residing in urban and rural areas. (2) Compare the knowledge levels regarding drug abuse and its health impact between urban and rural adolescents. (3) Investigate the correlation between adolescent’ knowledge scores on drug abuse and its health impact and selected socio-demographic variables. (4) Develop and distribute information booklet regarding drug abuse and its impact on health. Methodology: A descriptive comparative study was conducted among 100 (50 urban and 50 rural) adolescent students of selected high schools of Gokak taluk. The sample was chosen through a non-probability purposive sampling method. The study employed a descriptive comparative research design, and data was gathered through a structured knowledge questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized for data analysis. Results: Overall result of the study revealed that majority of the subjects {72 (72%)} had poor knowledge, 28 (28%) subjects had average knowledge and 0 (0%) subjects had good level of knowledge regarding drug abuse and its impact on their health. Urban adolescents had 49.93% of total knowledge, 51.56% of knowledge regarding drug abuse, and 47.50% of knowledge regarding hazards and treatment of drug abuse. Whereas rural adolescents had 44.66% of total knowledge, 48.67% of knowledge regarding drug abuse and 38.67% of knowledge regarding hazards and treatment of drug abuse. The p-value is 0.0004(p<0.05) hence, comparatively urban adolescents had better knowledge than their rural counterparts in all areas of knowledge regarding drug abuse and its impact on their health. Conclusion: The study concluded that, knowledge of adolescent students regarding drug abuse and its impact on health was just satisfactory, consequently formal training for adolescent students about drug abuse and its impact on health is recommended
Keywords: Adolescents, drug abuse, high school students, impact on health, knowledge
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