Application of Monod Equation and First Order RateKinetics for the Determination of TPH Concentrationalong the Depths

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization
Received Date: 06/27/2024
Acceptance Date: 07/19/2024
Published On: 2024-06-29
First Page: 26
Last Page: 43

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By: Ozioko Fabian Chidiebere, Mabel Keke, and Okirie Faith Uchendu

1&2Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro, Delta State.
3Student, Ph.D, Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State University Port Harcourt, Rivers State.


In order to calculate the rate of TPH concentration along the depths, this research project applies the
Monod Equation and First Order Rate Kinetics. TPH diffusion in the stagnant water medium was
examined using the Developed Dispersion and Degradation Model integrated with the first order
degradation rate and the Monod equation q2. TBC in both water media increased gradually over time
until the 56th day, and then rapidly between the 70th and 80th day. TPH content fluctuated at random
depths but declined with increasing time. In fresh water media as opposed to salt water media, crude
oil had a greater effect. The TPH predicted by the diffusion model employing first order rate kinetics
matched experimental results more closely than the model paired with the Monod equation. The
discrepancy between the experimental data and the anticipated TPH by the model that included the
Monod equation suggested that the Monod Equation might not be the best choice for a rate parameter
in the diffusion model. Although the rate of oil sedimentation dropped as depth increased, the generated
model outperformed the modified Stokes and Newton equations by a little margin, and it also compared
favorably with the experiment’s suspended solid measurement. Nonetheless, the rate of oil
sedimentation in stagnant water media can be investigated using either model. The degradation of TPH
under natural attenuation may take longer due to the level of physicochemical parameters in the water
media following crude oil pollution and the slow rate of TPH reduction observed during the
investigation period. However, the degradation of TPH could be sped up by utilizing the bacteria
identified through the bioargumentation technique.



How to cite this article: Ozioko Fabian Chidiebere, Mabel Keke, and Okirie Faith Uchendu, Application of Monod Equation and First Order RateKinetics for the Determination of TPH Concentrationalong the Depths. International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization. 2024; 10(01): 26-43p.

How to cite this URL: Ozioko Fabian Chidiebere, Mabel Keke, and Okirie Faith Uchendu, Application of Monod Equation and First Order RateKinetics for the Determination of TPH Concentrationalong the Depths. International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization. 2024; 10(01): 26-43p. Available from:


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