By: Prof. Ram Krishna Mandal and Debkumar Mukhopadhyay
Rapid mushrooming of squatter settlements on land pockets may be seen as usual fallout of urbanization. The factors identified for the formation and growth of squatter settlements are poverty, absence and inadequacy of urban planning, migration, and many other disadvantages. In developing countries, rapid urbanization is accompanied by diverse health problems including psychiatric complaints and disorders like anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, irritability and poor memory that account for 90 per cent of all mental disorders causing behavioral problems in offspring and impede recovery from co-morbid physical ailments. The need to preserve the environment in order to maintain a nation’s social and economic advancement has come to light more and more in recent years. The aim of the study is to explore the solutions already taken or to be taken due to urbanization in India. This study is descriptive in nature based on secondary sources approaching the issues: A few actions have previously been done; A few actions still need to be done; some success stories are described here as an illustration. In this portion many we have discussed some steps which have already been taken and some steps have to be taken and some success stories are also shown. The challenges posed by growing urbanization have led to a crisis situation. We need to manage our population and provide our villages with civic amenities and basic infrastructure in order to control overcrowding in the towns and cities. Health risks and the worst kind of destruction might result from this. Controlling the urban population is necessary to accomplish this. Urbanization affects every facet of daily existence. Urbanization has also a beneficial effect. People coexist in urban areas, especially metropolitan areas, from vastly different cultural backgrounds. Through exchanging ideas and learning about one another’s cultures, people break down the barriers that once divided them. The result is the blending of cultures.
Keywords: Planning, Migration. Squatter Settlements, Civic Amenities, Basic Infrastructure.
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