Speaking Bus Stop Reminder

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System
Received Date: 06/06/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/24/2024
Published On: 2024-06-25
First Page: 8
Last Page: 13

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By: Navneet Kaur, Aniket Jha, Ashish Pateriya, Vaibhav Gangele, and Vishal Yadav

1Assistant Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal, India
2-5Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal, India


This paper presents the bus stop reminder using RFID so that the users do not get delayed or don’t get
down at a different stop. The main goal of this paper is to remind you of the correct bus stop before the
stop has come. Bus routes travel through several bus stops. Many times, buses change routes and new
bus stop names need to be configured in system. Many bus stops also change their names at times or
sometimes new bus stops to be added into existing routes. So here we propose a speaking bus stop
indicator system using raspberry pi. We use raspberry pi-based circuit along with RF receiver-based
circuit to be placed in buses. Also, we use a monitor to display names of bus stops as they arrive. We
use RF transmitter-based circuits which will be placed on bus stops. This system does not need any bus
stop name or route names to be stored in the bus system. Each bus stop system has a code, and our
receiver circuitry can be fed with as well as edited of existing bus stop names using a USB keyboard
interface. Each bus stop system constantly transmits a unique bus stop code. When the bus comes in
range of a bus stop the code is picked up by bus system and it automatically feeds it to controller. The
controller processes this information to find out the name of corresponding bus stop and immediately
converts it to voice command. It now speaks the bus stop name using a speaker to provide an automated
raspberry pi based speaking bus stop indicator system. This way the passenger will be reminded of the
bus stop with the speech before the stop is reached.



How to cite this article: Navneet Kaur, Aniket Jha, Ashish Pateriya, Vaibhav Gangele, and Vishal Yadav, Speaking Bus Stop Reminder. International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System. 2024; 10(01): 8-13p.

How to cite this URL: Navneet Kaur, Aniket Jha, Ashish Pateriya, Vaibhav Gangele, and Vishal Yadav, Speaking Bus Stop Reminder. International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System. 2024; 10(01): 8-13p. Available from:https://journalspub.com/publication/uncategorized/article=10232


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