By: Oluwadare Joshua Oyebode
Professor,Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State,
Irrigation agriculture is critical worldwide, accounting for approximately 70% of total water usage.
In Nigeria, implementing effective irrigation strategies is essential to optimize water use and boost
agricultural productivity. This paper examines the vital role of civil engineers in developing and
applying sustainable irrigation infrastructure strategies in Nigeria. Currently, irrigation systems face
significant challenges due to increasing water scarcity and competition. The methodology of this
study involves a review of literature and case studies. Various innovative technologies and
approaches, such as remote sensing – which includes satellite imagery, aerial photography, and
UAVs – were identified for gathering data on crop conditions, soil moisture, and water resources.
Findings reveal that establishing sustainable irrigation infrastructure is crucial for advancing
Nigeria’s agricultural sector, ensuring food security, and supporting economic growth. The
significance of sustainable irrigation infrastructure, innovative technologies, and strategies can be
employed by civil engineers and other professionals to address these challenges. Civil engineers
possess the expertise, knowledge, and skills to design, implement, and manage sustainable irrigation
infrastructure projects. Technological innovations, policy and governance, financing and investment,
case studies, and community engagement can be used to achieve sustainable irrigation infrastructure.
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