By: Rajashree Lodh
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Heritage Institute
of Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of the velocity and concentration characteristics within
turbidity currents, focusing on detailed evaluations of the hydrodynamic and sediment transport
properties. The investigation includes separate calculations for the velocity and concentration
distributions within the near-boundary and jet regions, allowing for an in-depth comparison between
these distinct flow areas. By computing dimensionless profiles of both velocity and concentration, the
study offers a visual representation of flow behaviors and sediment patterns, which are essential for
understanding the stability and transport dynamics of turbidity currents. Additionally, the modified
equations derived in this analysis are shown to align closely with experimental data and previous
research findings, demonstrating an improved accuracy over other models. These results highlight the
effectiveness of the proposed modifications in predicting turbidity current behaviors, offering
valuable insights for environmental and engineering applications, particularly in sediment-laden
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