By: Rishabh Tiwari and Harsh Rathore
1Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeev Agarwal Global Educational University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
2Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeev Agarwal Global Educational University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
This study focuses on developing an optimal mix for geopolymer mortar (GPM) using varying molarities of NaOH solution and different binder-to-aggregate ratios. The primary objective was to determine the mix that yields the highest compressive strength. GPM cubes were prepared and subjected to two curing methods – oven curing and steam curing. Compressive strength tests were conducted at 3, 7, and 28 days. The results show that the compressive strength of GPM cubes increases with NaOH molarity up to 14M, with a significant decline observed at 16M. A binder-to-aggregate ratio of 2.5 was identified as the most effective, providing maximum strength, especially when combined with 14M NaOH. Oven-cured specimens consistently displayed higher compressive strength compared to steam-cured ones, due to enhanced polymerization at elevated temperatures. The findings suggest that a 14M NaOH solution with a 2.5 binder-to-aggregate ratio, combined with oven curing, produces the most robust geopolymer matrix. This optimized mix has potential applications in the development of ferro-geopolymer composite elements for sustainable and durable construction materials.
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