Impact of the Jigsaw Teaching Strategy on Classroom Performance among Nursing Students at a Selected College

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research
Received Date: 03/11/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/13/2024
Published On: 2024-06-16
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Introduction: Collaborative learning is an educational methodology where individuals engage collectively in pursuit of knowledge or skill acquisition. The jigsaw teaching method is a form of collaborative learning, initially introduced by Elliot Aronson in 1971 at both the University of Texas and the University of California. This method emphasizes team-based learning, wherein students are organized into groups or teams, each assigned a specific segment of the material to master. Within this framework, students initially join smaller expert groups to discuss and learn their assigned segment with peers from other groups. Upon mastering their segment, they return to their original groups to teach what they have learned to their teammates. This approach ensures that each student acts as an integral part of the learning process, resembling pieces of a puzzle that must come together to form a complete picture. The jigsaw technique underscores the importance of each student’s contribution, thereby fostering a sense of indispensability and effectiveness in the learning process. Material and Methods: Quasi-experimental research study, with probability simple random sampling techniques were used for study. Researcher studies exposing an experimental group to intervention of jigsaw teaching technique on classroom performance among nursing students. The study sample consisted of (n=40) is selected from selected college. Finding of the study– The finding of the study shows that mean of effectiveness of jigsaw teaching technique on classroom performance (conducting system) in pre-test is 0.7 and post test is 1.93, median of effectiveness of jigsaw teaching technique on classroom performance (conducting system) in pre-test is 1.0 and post test is 2.0, standard Deviation of conducting system in pre-test is 0.596 and post test is 0.253. The mean of the cardiac cycle in pretest is 1.93 and post test is 2.8, median of cardiac Cycle in pretest is 2.0 and post test is 3.0, standard deviation in pretest is 0.784 and Post-test is 0.484.  The mean of anatomy and physiology in pretest is 4.5 and post test is 6.4, median of Anatomy and physiology in pre-test is 5.0 and in post-test is 7.0, standard deviation In pre-test is 1.479 and post test is 0.968. The mean of myocardial infarction in pre-test is 2.3 and post test is 4.5, median in pre-test is 2.0 and post test is 5.0, standard deviation in pre-test is 1.118 and post test is 0.731 The mean of angina pectoris in pre-test is 1.6 and post test is 2.2, median in pre-test and Post test is 2.0 and standard deviation in pre-test is 0.932 and in post-test is 0.626.  The data related association between jigsaw teaching on classroom performance with Their demographic variables. Conclusion: Present study conclude that jigsaw teaching technique was effective for development of improving classroom performance at some extent according to the results finding.

Keywords- Effectiveness, Jigsaw teaching, Collaborative learning, classroom performance, anatomy and physiology.



How to cite this article: GULDAGAD GAURAV, KHANDARE GANESH, SONAWANE SAYALI, SONAWANE KALYANI, RASHINKAR ANNASAHEB, JAMDHADE SANGRAM, and SONALI LAHARE, Impact of the Jigsaw Teaching Strategy on Classroom Performance among Nursing Students at a Selected College. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(01): -p.

How to cite this URL: GULDAGAD GAURAV, KHANDARE GANESH, SONAWANE SAYALI, SONAWANE KALYANI, RASHINKAR ANNASAHEB, JAMDHADE SANGRAM, and SONALI LAHARE, Impact of the Jigsaw Teaching Strategy on Classroom Performance among Nursing Students at a Selected College. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(01): -p. Available from:


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