By: Indra Neel Pulidindi
1Jesus’ Scientific Consultancy for Industrial and Academic Research (JSCIAR), Tharamani 600113, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
X-ray microscopy is an elegant chemical imaging technique that bridges the gap between light
microscopy and electron microscopy. Vital information on the chemical state (valency, surface
functionality), chemical composition, three-dimensional (3D) chemical structure (order, disorder,
rupture), and chemical imaging can be obtained from X-ray microscopy. In the current original
research article, X-ray microscopy is used as a characterization tool to examine the microstructural
features of commercial carbon fibers. Pitch-based (NX100) and polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based
(T700SC) CFs chosen as representative examples for the two major classes of CF feedstock were
examined using XRM. A homemade and simple sample preparation technique was developed by gluing
the single filament of the carbon fiber (3 mm height) to the flat end of the office pin, which was
subsequently held vertically above the XRM sample holder. The XRM imaging instrument was operated
at a voltage of 50 kV and at a power of 4.0 W all through the 3D structural characterization of the
carbon fibres. Cross-sectional imaging of the carbon fibers (NX100) showed core shell type structure
with a clear contrast in the X-ray absorption in the outer and the inner regions of the fiber. From the
outer region to the inner region of the fiber (though the structure remained the same), the density of the
graphitic structure increased significantly. The core of the pitch-based fibers is highly crystalline
compared to the PAN-based fibers. This observation provided additional support for the conclusions
drawn from the CFs’ XRD and Raman analyses. The 3D microstructural images of the cross-section of
the CFs were constructed using TXM3DVIEWER software. In addition, the 3D microstructure of the
whole of the single filament of CFs was constructed with the same software. The difference in the 3D
microstructure of the NX100 and T700SC is due to the difference in the feedstock as well as the
processing conditions. The microstructure of the CFs deduced from XRM is discussed in detail in
comparison with the scanning transmission X-ray microscope images of the pitch-based (YSH50H) and
PAN-based (M46J) carbon fibers reported in literature. Analogous to the present XRM investigation,
the state-of-the-art STXRM studies also showed that the raw material had a considerable impact on the
distribution of the π-orbital-orientated domains in the CF structure.
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