Bringing Nature Indoors: Exploring the Impact of Biophilic Interior Design in Restaurants

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning
Received Date: 02/24/2024
Acceptance Date: 04/01/2024
Published On: 2024-04-10
First Page: 9
Last Page: 28

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By: Saloni Kansal and Dr. Deepti Pande Rana


Abstract: Biophilic design is being incorporated all over the world in various spaces to invoke a connection with nature. It helps enhance ambience, mood and productivity.  Natural materials, light, ventilation, indoor plants, sustainable materials are used to integrate a biophilic theme. Restaurants use this design concept by providing huge windows to allow natural light to enter, incorporate indoor plants to improve air quality, provide water features for a sense of calmness and use natural materials like wood and bamboo in furniture to promote sustainability. Integration of these elements not only enhances the dining experience for the customers but also promotes the well-being of the staff working in the restaurant. It encourages the customers to stay longer in the restaurant and visit frequently. This research paper explores the impact and influence of biophilic interior design in restaurants with the intent to enhance customer experience and well-being. Biophilic design principles incorporate natural elements into interior spaces, developing a connection with nature to improve human health, productivity and well-being. Impact of biophilic design on user psychologically and visually. The paper also explores the future implications of biophilic design for the restaurant industry, emphasizing the need for implementation of biophilic principles to create sustainable and engaging dining environments. By integrating existing literature, this research provides valuable insights for designers, restaurateurs, and researchers seeking to optimize the dining experience through biophilic interior design strategies. Key findings show that biophilic design elements like natural materials, greenery, and daylighting, contribute to creating a welcoming and harmonious dining atmosphere. Studies have demonstrated a positive connection between biophilic features and visitor duration in cafes, indicating that immersive natural environments encourage longer stays and increased engagement.

Keywords: Biophilic design, human nature connection, sustainable interiors, well being and design, indoor plants, natural light integration, indoor environmental quality.



How to cite this article: Saloni Kansal and Dr. Deepti Pande Rana, Bringing Nature Indoors: Exploring the Impact of Biophilic Interior Design in Restaurants. International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning. 2024; 10(01): 9-28p.

How to cite this URL: Saloni Kansal and Dr. Deepti Pande Rana, Bringing Nature Indoors: Exploring the Impact of Biophilic Interior Design in Restaurants. International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning. 2024; 10(01): 9-28p. Available from:


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