Development of a Framework to Improve Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics Using ISM for Food Industries

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials
Received Date: 01/19/2024
Acceptance Date: 02/29/2024
Published On: 2024-03-16
First Page: 1
Last Page: 10

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By: Ashish Patel, Kuldip Nagera, and Anjana R


The goal of this study is to look to the most important sustainable practices that fresh food start ups can use to improve their resilience and environmental responsibility. It also aims to identify the difficulties and impediments these companies face when putting these sustainable strategies into effect. Fresh food startups can integrate several sustainable techniques and innovations into their operations, as identified by the study. These include using IoT technology to enhance supply chain management and implementing packaging with a modified environment to keep goods fresher for longer. Advances have improved product attributes, uniformity, and consistency as a result of increases in quality control capabilities afforded by A Food monitoring system based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Internet of Things of all phases of industrial manufacturing processes. This paper is a review of some of the more important and modern applications that have been of greatest benefit to the humankind The review also emphasizes the difficulties these firms have had putting these strategies into practice. The structural framework is developed by adopting an interpretive structural modeling approach. Furthermore, fuzzy-MICMAC approach is applied to compute the driving and the dependence power of each selected enabler. This study develops a structural framework that indicates the improved supply chain performance is achieved by “development of supply chain Transportation system”, “strong customer relationship management”, and “enhancement in control over cost quality and Process of sustainability” as the most critical enablers. The enablers for the development of the framework are obtained through the inputs from an expert panel. However, the researchers may conduct large-scale surveys to strengthen the input components of the framework. This is one of the unique studies that list a set of 15 most critical e-business process and sustainability based enablers to improve supply chain performance.

Keywords: Sustainable manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, SMSCM Enablers, Survey, ISM, fuzzy MICMAC



How to cite this article: Ashish Patel, Kuldip Nagera, and Anjana R, Development of a Framework to Improve Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics Using ISM for Food Industries. International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials. 2024; 10(01): 1-10p.

How to cite this URL: Ashish Patel, Kuldip Nagera, and Anjana R, Development of a Framework to Improve Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics Using ISM for Food Industries. International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials. 2024; 10(01): 1-10p. Available from:


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